Demystifying Canonicalization: Best Practices for Handling Duplicate Content

Canonicalization is the process of selecting the preferred version of a webpage when multiple versions with similar content exist

Canonical tags play an important role in the canonicalization process and help search engines understand which version of a page should be considered the original

Identifying duplicate content is the first step in implementing proper canonicalization Tools like Google Search Console, site crawlers, or manual inspection can help.

Cross-domain canonicalization is the process of selecting the preferred version of a webpage when similar content exists on different domains

Regular audits of canonicalization efforts are essential to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of an SEO strategy Tools like Google Search Console, site crawlers, and browser extensions can help.

Using a CMS with built-in canonicalization features can simplify the process and ensure search engines correctly identify the preferred version of content

Conflicting canonical and alternate tags, canonical chains, and loops should be avoided to prevent confusion for search engines and reduce the effectiveness of canonicalization efforts

Leveraging the power of an advanced CMS can help maintain a well-optimized website, provide a better user experience, and ensure strong SEO performance