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Feature Announcement: Multi-Author Credits

By Vigneshwari
New Update
Multi-Author Credit

We are excited to announce a new feature update that will further enhance collaboration and recognition within our PubLive platform: the Multi-Author Credit Feature. This enhancement is designed to make it even easier for teams of writers, creators, and contributors to receive proper acknowledgment for their valuable contributions to your content.

To an existing feature of the credit field in the dashboard, now you can add multiple members to whom you wish to give credit for the article.

To get started, go to create/edit section. Add members in the credit field. Preview once before publishing as a good practice. Article will be published under the credit name.


Note: Max two members from the credit field will be shown in the article on website. This is to maintain the UI standard of a website.

Website View

Multiple author credit


Credit column of the Published section, Dashboard 

How does this feature help Digital Publishers?

Shared Attribution: With this feature, multiple authors can now be credited and acknowledged within a single piece of content. Each contributor's name and role will be prominently displayed, showcasing the collaborative effort behind the creation

Enhanced Engagement: By recognizing and celebrating individual authors, our platform encourages a stronger sense of ownership and engagement among contributors, leading to even more exceptional content

Effortless Implementation: Our user-friendly interface makes it simple to add or update author information for each piece of content. You can easily manage and edit author credits as needed.

We value the collaborative spirit that drives publishers and their team, and the Multi-Author Credit Feature is a testament to the commitment of recognizing and celebrating the collective efforts of contributors.