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Maximizing Revenue with Display Ads

Display ads help content teams monetize their websites through various formats and best practices, including mobile optimization, strategic placement, and performance measurement, to maximize revenue and engagement with right CMS.

By Sakshi
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Display ads have secured their place as the second-largest advertising medium worldwide, trailing only TV advertising in terms of global ad spend. For website owners and publishers, hosting display ads represents a significant opportunity to monetize their existing traffic. This guide explores the types of display ads, the benefits they offer, and best practices to ensure their successful implementation.

Understanding Display Ads

Display ads are visual advertisements that appear on a network of publishers' sites. These ads can include images, videos, text, or a combination of these elements. The primary goal of display ads is to drive traffic to the advertiser’s landing page by enticing visitors to click on the ad.

One of the key advantages of display advertising is its ability to increase brand awareness. With a broad reach across various platforms and devices, display ads allow advertisers to target specific audiences contextually. This precise targeting is why advertisers prefer display ads to promote their products or services.


For publishers, especially those with a steady stream of visitors, display ads provide a way to sell ad space and earn revenue. The compensation model for these ads can vary, including cost per thousand impressions (CPM), pay per click (PPC), and cost per acquisition (CPA). Optimally, a mix of these models should be used depending on the audience type and size.

Types of Display Ads

Understanding the different types of display ads is crucial for maximizing their effectiveness. Here are the primary formats:

  1. Banner Ads: These ads typically appear at the top or bottom of the screen in a banner format. They include images with text designed to attract clicks.

  2. Interstitial Ads: These full-screen ads appear between two web pages, usually after a hyperlink is clicked. They are common in mobile advertising.

  3. Rich Media Ads: These ads are more dynamic and engaging, incorporating images, videos, text, forms, and other clickable elements.

  4. Native Ads: Blending seamlessly with the website content, these ads are subtle and highly contextual, often marked with "sponsored" or "powered by."

  5. Video Ads: Known for their high engagement rates, video ads perform significantly better than static banners, particularly on mobile devices.

Display Ads Best Practices

To make the most out of display ads, publishers should adhere to several best practices:

1. Mobile Optimization and Responsiveness

With mobile ad spending projected to reach $156.38 billion by 2023, it’s essential to optimize display ads for mobile users. Publishers should ensure their ads are responsive and visually appealing on mobile devices. Avoid using blurry or unclear images and ensure that ads contain a proper logo and descriptive text. Formats like interstitial and video ads tend to perform better on mobile than simple banner ads.

2. Having a Proper CTA

A call-to-action (CTA) is critical in driving user engagement with ads. A well-crafted CTA convinces visitors to click on the ad, leading them to take desired actions such as subscribing to a newsletter, installing an app, or making a purchase. Personalized CTAs can significantly improve conversion rates.

3. Measure Results

Regularly measuring the performance of display ads is vital. Analytics can provide insights into click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates, helping publishers understand what resonates with their audience. This data can be used to optimize ad campaigns continually.

4. Choose the Right Ad Network(s)

Selecting the appropriate ad network is crucial for maximizing ad revenue. Publishers should consider factors such as minimum website traffic requirements, ad formats offered, CPM/CPC rates, and additional features like contextual targeting and direct header bidding. Researching and comparing different ad networks can help in making an informed decision.

5. Mix Different Ad Formats

Experimenting with various ad formats, such as banners, video ads, and native ads, can enhance the user experience and increase engagement. Native ads, in particular, blend well with content and are often overlooked as advertisements, making them highly effective.

6. Place Your Ad Strategically

Strategic ad placement is essential to avoid banner blindness, where users ignore banner ads due to their predictable placement. Using fewer, well-placed ads that are relevant to the content can improve CTR. Sticky ads, which remain in view while scrolling, can also increase viewability without being intrusive.


The key to successful display ad campaigns lies in constant analysis and optimization. Understanding your audience and their behavior, coupled with the strategic use of different ad formats and placements, can significantly enhance ad performance and monetisation. By adhering to the best practices outlined in this guide, publishers can create effective display ad campaigns that drive engagement and generate substantial revenue.